Imagine you're sitting comfortably at home in the evening with a five-week-old baby snoozing calmy in your arms. It took you a while, but he's fallen asleep, and with the house finally quiet you figure if you're lucky he'll keep sleeping and you just might be able to watch at least part of a movie on TV tonight (something you haven't done in five weeks).
Then, out of nowhere, without catching even a hint of a buzzing noise, you spot a mosquito closing in slowly, stealth-like, on the back of the baby's motionless, sleeping head. A sub-Saharan African mosquito. The kind of mosquito that comes out only after sunset and might be carrying the malaria virus. And you love that baby. But you want to watch the movie too. What do you do? Shoo the mosquito away and hope to be able swat him later, before he sneaks back up and bites the baby when you're focusing on the movie? Or do you smack the baby right on the back of the head as the mosquito lands? Right. You smack the baby. Which is exactly what I did last night - and I missed the damned mosquito too.