Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Gone Fishin'

While fishing is a brand new sport for him, Olivier comes home once in a while with a whopper. This fella was his very first catch, which has definitely proven to be beginner's luck! This one's a barracuda, which we've since learned is absolutely juicy-licious on the BBQ!!!! I won't go into the details of how Olivier actually got it out of the water into his boat, but his story involved a huge stick (presumably to club the poor thing) that the fish grabbed and chewed in half . All I know is Ol's enjoying learning a new sport, and while I'm happy to have fresh fish from the African Atlantic coast, I also prefer to remain ignorant about how it gets on my plate!


Unknown said...

It's just fish stories :)

That is a very big fish and I'll bet it looks twice as big when you're in the same water!!

That is a great picture. Ol makes it look easy to hold that thing up.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fish. One of these days I'll need to hear the complete story from Ol about how he landed that thing!