Sunday, July 08, 2007

Twin Aunties

Luckily for me, my sisters understand the seriousness of their auntie responsibilities when they come visit. They were here recently, and both quickly discovered, for example, that in order to maintain peace in our household, SOMEONE must be coloring with Cecilia at all times, non-stop. Around the clock. The moment this stops all hell breaks loose, and to be honest, I'm pretty much all colored out. Here's Auntie Cate taking things pretty seriously. (As a side note I should mention that Cate continued coloring in that book LONG AFTER Cilia was in bed each night. Maybe it's a genetic disorder?)Alissa took on a prominent role as "Great Answerer to all questions religious" after touring the local church in La Chapelle-en-Vercors one sunny afternoon. Since we lost 1 dog and 3 cats over the past year to what I can only assume is Gabonese road rage, both Cilia and Jourdain haunt us all with questions like: "When I die, can I bring my face with me?" and "Will I have the same voice in heaven?" and "Do you think our puppy Koumba will remember me when I die and go meet her?" My not-so-philosophical answer to these questions tends to be that I'd just rather not talk about it right now. Here's Alissa sharing some precious religious tidbits with her niece and nephew outside the church:

Of course the Aunties took J&C for myriad walks in the countryside...
and dared numerous river crossings.
In the end fun was had by all,

many flies were swatted,

caves were visited,and grumpy faces were turned to smiles with the help of the Twin Aunties!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! We sure did have fun!

Franglais Expats said...

But now that you're gone no one can match your coloring skills, Cate. Sniff....