Monday, August 28, 2006

Island Cabana

While I was in the States with the kids a group of very active friends here in Port-Gentil managed to rent an island just off the coast (part under the Drablier name and the other section under Doeff), gather lots of wood, palm leaves and ideas and begin (with Olivier and two other couples) to build a beach cabana on our very own private ISLAND!!

Now that I'm back I've joined in the construction process by um.... helping the other women glue shells all over the posts in an effort to decorate our weekend gettaway! (See pic of my incredible efforts). More explanation later, but for now, enjoy the pictures and start planning your visit soon!! (PS the pretty decoration featured below is not my own creation. I'll need a bit more practice before getting as good as my friend Diane who has done this kind of thing before)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Di Drablier? Bad company, ladies.